Saturday, February 22, 2020

100 Asian Heartthrobs 2020 - Level 2 Bout 12 - Jaehyun vs Vernon

The Battle Round of 100 Asian Heartthrobs 2020 continues with level 2 bout 12: Jung Jaehyun of South Korea versus Vernon Chwe of South Korea/USA.

Here are the voting mechanics for this bout:
  • Choose one from the two heartthrobs in the week-long bout.
  • Complete the Captcha challenge for your vote to be counted.
  • This is an unlimited poll. You can vote again by refreshing your browser and completing the Captcha challenge.
  • This poll will be closed on February 29, 2020 at 10:00pm HKG/TPE time.
  • From the remaining 26 heartthrobs, only 14 will survive level two and will advance to level three!
  • From the 13 who lost their bouts on this level, the 2 with the highest votes will be given another chance in the last wildcard round
Level 2: Jaehyun vs Vernon (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 95,825

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Jaehyun!!!
    Jung Jaehyun!!!
    Jung Jaehyun Win for NCTzens

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