Saturday, February 22, 2020

100 Asian Heartthrobs 2020 - Level 2 Bout 12 - Jaehyun vs Vernon

The Battle Round of 100 Asian Heartthrobs 2020 continues with level 2 bout 12: Jung Jaehyun of South Korea versus Vernon Chwe of South Korea/USA.

Here are the voting mechanics for this bout:
  • Choose one from the two heartthrobs in the week-long bout.
  • Complete the Captcha challenge for your vote to be counted.
  • This is an unlimited poll. You can vote again by refreshing your browser and completing the Captcha challenge.
  • This poll will be closed on February 29, 2020 at 10:00pm HKG/TPE time.
  • From the remaining 26 heartthrobs, only 14 will survive level two and will advance to level three!
  • From the 13 who lost their bouts on this level, the 2 with the highest votes will be given another chance in the last wildcard round
Level 2: Jaehyun vs Vernon (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 95,825

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100 Asian Heartthrobs 2020 - Level 2 Bout 11 - Mingyu vs Jungkook

The Battle Round of 100 Asian Heartthrobs 2020 continues with level 2 bout 11: Dokyeom of South Korea versus Taeyong of South Korea.

Here are the voting mechanics for this bout:
  • Choose one from the two heartthrobs in the week-long bout.
  • Complete the Captcha challenge for your vote to be counted.
  • This is an unlimited poll. You can vote again by refreshing your browser and completing the Captcha challenge.
  • This poll will be closed on February 29, 2020 at 10:00pm HKG/TPE time.
  • From the remaining 26 heartthrobs, only 14 will survive level two and will advance to level three!
  • From the 13 who lost their bouts on this level, the 2 with the highest votes will be given another chance in the last wildcard round
Level 2: Mingyu vs Jungkook (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 87,538

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100 Asian Heartthrobs 2020 - Level 2 Bout 10 - Dokyeom vs Taeyong

The Battle Round of 100 Asian Heartthrobs 2020 continues with level 2 bout 10: Dokyeom of South Korea versus Taeyong of South Korea.

Here are the voting mechanics for this bout:
  • Choose one from the two heartthrobs in the week-long bout.
  • Complete the Captcha challenge for your vote to be counted.
  • This is an unlimited poll. You can vote again by refreshing your browser and completing the Captcha challenge.
  • This poll will be closed on February 28, 2020 at 10:00pm HKG/TPE time.
  • From the remaining 26 heartthrobs, only 14 will survive level two and will advance to level three!
  • From the 13 who lost their bouts on this level, the 2 with the highest votes will be given another chance in the last wildcard round
Level 2: Dokyeom vs Taeyong (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 45,685

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100 Asian Heartthrobs 2020 - Level 2 Bout 8 - Jin vs Nadech

The Battle Round of 100 Asian Heartthrobs 2020 continues with level 2 bout 8: Kim Seokjin of South Korea versus Nadech Kugimiya of Thailand.

Here are the voting mechanics for this bout:
  • Choose one from the two heartthrobs in the week-long bout.
  • Complete the Captcha challenge for your vote to be counted.
  • This is an unlimited poll. You can vote again by refreshing your browser and completing the Captcha challenge.
  • This poll will be closed on February 28, 2020 at 10:00pm HKG/TPE time.
  • From the remaining 26 heartthrobs, only 14 will survive level two and will advance to level three!
  • From the 13 who lost their bouts on this level, the 2 with the highest votes will be given another chance in the last wildcard round
Level 2: Jin vs Nadech (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 182,967

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Thursday, February 20, 2020

100 Asian Heartthrobs 2020 - Level 2 Bout 6 - Joshua Hong vs BamBam

The Battle Round of 100 Asian Heartthrobs 2020 continues with level 2 bout 6: Joshua Hong of South Korea versus BamBam of Thailand.


 Here are the voting mechanics for this bout:
  • Choose one from the two heartthrobs in the week-long bout.
  • Complete the Captcha challenge for your vote to be counted.
  • This is an unlimited poll. You can vote again by refreshing your browser and completing the Captcha challenge.
  • This poll will be closed on February 27, 2020 at 10:00pm HKG/TPE time.
  • From the remaining 26 heartthrobs, only 14 will survive level two and will advance to level three!
  • From the 13 who lost their bouts on this level, the 2 with the highest votes will be given another chance in the last wildcard round
Level 2: Joshua Hong vs BamBam (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 90,909

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100 Asian Heartthrobs 2020 - Level 2 Bout 5 - Kim Myungsoo vs Alden Richards

The Battle Round of 100 Asian Heartthrobs 2020 continues with level 2 bout 5: Kim Myungsoo of South Korea versus Alden Richards of the Philippines.


 Here are the voting mechanics for this bout:
  • Choose one from the two heartthrobs in the week-long bout.
  • Complete the Captcha challenge for your vote to be counted.
  • This is an unlimited poll. You can vote again by refreshing your browser and completing the Captcha challenge.
  • This poll will be closed on February 27, 2020, at 10:00pm HKG/TPE time.
  • From the remaining 26 heartthrobs, only 14 will survive level two and will advance to level three!
  • From the 13 who lost their bouts on this level, the 2 with the highest votes will be given another chance in the last wildcard round
Level 2: Kim Myungsoo vs Alden Richards (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 34,278

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Wednesday, February 19, 2020

100 Asian Heartthrobs 2020 - Level 2 Bouts 1 to 4 of Battle Round


Welcome to the semifinals of 100 Asian Heartthrobs 2020 also known as “The Battle Round.” The 50 semifinalists will undergo a series of eliminations via head to head challenge. Each heartthrob will face another and they will vie for public votes for a period of 7 days. The winner of each bout will advance to the second level of a battle round where he will face another winner from the first level. Every time a heartthrob wins a match, he is one step closer to be named “Ultimate Asian Heartthrob of 2020.”

All winners from the second level will again face each other to advance to the third level. The loser of each bout will get eliminated. However, we will choose two wildcards from level one and level two for one final chance to advance to the next round.

In level one: 50 semifinalists will become 25 + 1 from wildcard bout.
In level two: 26 semifinalists will become 13 + 1 from wildcard bout.
In level three: 14 semifinalists will become 7 (no more wildcard at this level).

The 7 finalists will vie against one another in our final battle for the title.

Here are the mechanics for each bout:

  • Choose one from the two heartthrobs in the ongoing bout.
  • Complete the Captcha challenge for your vote to be counted.
  • This is an unlimited poll. You can vote again as long as you complete the Captcha challenge.
  • Each poll will be closed after 7 days.
  • We will add the social media scores of each semifinalist to the number of votes he garnered in level one bout only.
  • Social media scores will no longer take effect in level two and level three but will return in the finals.


The Battle Round of 100 Asian Heartthrobs 2020 continues with level 2 bout 1: Kim Taehyung of South Korea versus Xiao Zhan of China.

Here are the voting mechanics for this bout:

  • Choose one from the two heartthrobs in the week-long bout.
  • Complete the Captcha challenge for your vote to be counted.
  • This is an unlimited poll. You can vote again by refreshing your browser and completing the Captcha challenge.
  • This poll will be closed on February 22, 2020 at 10:00pm HKG/TPE time.
  • From the remaining 26 heartthrobs, only 14 will survive level two and will advance to level three!
  • From the 13 who lost their bouts on this level, the 2 with the highest votes will be given another chance in the last wildcard round

Level 2: Kim Taehyung vs Xiao Zhan (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 3,796,941

LEVEL 2 BOUT 2: Lai Guanlin vs Bailey May

Level 2: Lai Guanlin vs Bailey May (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 264,739

LEVEL 2 BOUT 3: Rowoon vs Justin de Dios

Level 2: Rowoon vs Justin (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 97,777

LEVEL 2 BOUT 4: Park Jimin vs Wang Yibo

Level 2: Park Jimin vs Wang Yibo (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 1,544,071

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